


Help us to tread your earth lightly, 

as people Reconciled by God with God, 

Reconciled by God with one another 

and Reconciled by God to his wounded planet, 

Living simply that all may simply live, 

to the glory of our risen saviour and Lord, 

Jesus Christ. Amen 

1. Climate crisis

2. The environment programme from the main Church of England website

3. Lent campaign

4. Buildings advice:

5. Church Heritage Record website

6. Biodiversity

7. Prayers and Worship 

8. Parish resources

9. Parish Buying / Green Journey 

10. Faculty

11. Investment

12. Synod

13. Some diocesan websites / news (just a few of them!)

14. Eco Church

15. Partners, networks, and useful organisations to know about (well, at least some of them)

16. Some useful videos:

17. And finally …


Help us to tread your earth lightly, 

as people Reconciled by God with God, 

Reconciled by God with one another 

and Reconciled by God to his wounded planet, 

Living simply that all may simply live, 

to the glory of our risen saviour and Lord, 

Jesus Christ. Amen