Ecumenical Safeguarding Seminar

Ecumenical Safeguarding Seminar

Ecumenical Safeguarding Seminar

Over 50 people were welcome by Tony Connell for the second Ecumenical Safeguarding Seminar entitled ‘Working to keep Christian communities safe on the Isle of Man.’ The opening prayer Was led by Jonathan Stanfield – Lead Pastor Living Hope Community Church.

In his opening address the Reverend Richard Hall,  Methodist Church District Chair, set the scene for the seminar with an anecdotal story from his own personal experience. The customary table introductions followed for those attending with the opportunity to say who they were, why they were there and to share any safeguarding concerns.

This was followed by a presentation ‘Keeping safe together – the story so far and the road ahead’, given by Andrew Swithinbank – Ecumenical Safeguarding Group Secretary. In a lively and interesting presentation he looked back on the journey so far and how the present progress had been made and the unique opportunity that lies ahead in the practice of safeguarding in the future. 

The practical application of safeguarding best practice was then presented by Tony Connell – Independent Safeguarding Advisor looking at behaviours, the assessment and management of safeguarding concerns and the strong necessity for a partnership approach to risk management. The session finished with an excellent summary of safeguarding in a film clip.

Current safeguarding practice has ensured that many perpetrators have been brought to justice for the crimes they have committed but what happens when it’s time to assist their integration back into community life? The Reverend Susan McIvor, District Safeguarding Officer in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire addressed this in her excellent and fascinating presentation entitled ‘All are welcome? Managing offenders in the local church’. 

Two very good table talk sessions were held with those attending providing the opportunity to partner and share what is and isn’t working and to build on existing ecumenical relationships and construct new ones

Msgr John Devine – Catholic Church presented ‘Safeguarding: a pastoral, spiritual and theological perspective’ as the last main session for the seminar. Appropriately this rooted the day in Christian responsibilites and understanding and as a foundation for much of the practicalities and understanding presented earlier.

The closing address was given by the Reverend Richard Hall.

Tony Connell commenting on the seminar said, 'It's great to see people getting excited in a positive way about safeguarding and beginning to see and develop a common ecumenical understanding of what this is all about in our local communities. I hope people will continue to grow in their understanding and grasp the vision of what safer caring is all about.'


For any further information on Safeguarding or to raise any concerns please contact:

Tony Connell
Ecumenical Safeguarding Officer
M: 07624 235970