Pastoral Visitors Network Isle of Man

Pastoral Visitors are the caring face of the church. They serve as the eyes, ears and hands of the Church, delivering care to the vulnerable and those in need of help or support in the congregation and the wider community.  Pastoral Visitors enable a prayerful presence to be available for all who seek or need support.

In order to support Pastoral Visitors in their roles, the Diocese has set up a Pastoral Visitors Network. This group meets twice a year and has three functions.

  • Firstly, to allow pastoral visitors to meet and share experiences informally over coffee.
  • Secondly, to offer training on an aspect of pastoral visiting that is pertinent to the role, for example, bereavement, dementia. To this end, we have a keynote speaker.
  • And thirdly, to listen to the thoughts and needs of pastoral visitors in carrying out this important aspect of the Christian faith.

All pastoral visitors are welcome to attend these network meetings.

Who’s who….

The Pastoral network is overseen by Tony Connell, Ecumenical Safeguarding Advisor and the Diocesan Chaplain to the Pastoral Visitors across the Island is Revd Alessandra di Chiara. Revd Alessandra also leads the Pastoral Visitor training courses.

The pastoral network meetings are coordinated and convened by Lisa Morris and Joanna Fisher. Lisa is the Diocesan Safeguarding Support Officer and Joanna is a Liturgical and Pastoral Assistant.


Lisa Morris
T: 07624494688

Joanna Fisher
T: 07624412915

Revd Alessandra di Chiara
T: 07624210208