Experiencing a sense of God’s call on your life fills you with both excitement and trepidation. If you feel God’s call upon you it is a time to talk, to others in your church, to your family and friends and to those who can begin to explore this with you. It is a beginning to seeing God’s call upon your life and support, encouragement and prayer is so valuable throughout. It is well worth talking to the Vocations Adviser who in this diocese is Dean Nigel Godfrey. Canon Janice Ward is the Diocesan Director of Ordinands.
If you are considering the possibility of ordained or lay ministry with the Diocese of Sodor and Man or even further afield he will be happy to arrange an appointment with you for an exploratory conversation in which he will also give you information on the various types of ministry, the training required, and the processes involved.
You can use the following links to start your exploration about whether you are being called to a particular ministry in the church: