Listening in Love and Faith Report

As part of the church-wide engagement with Living in Love and Faith, participants were invited to share their learning, insights and reflections. Over 6,000 responses were received and gathered into a new report called Listening with Love and Faith.  There is also a detailed technical report and a reflective essay, Friendship and the Body of Christ.  These, and the LLF resources, will support the bishops in the ongoing process as they seek to discern what they believe God is saying to the Church of England today.

Many of us have participated in a Living in Love and Faith course, attended a book club, or engaged with the on-line material, watching podcasts and videos, and then contributed to the survey.  Do take a look at this feedback and reflection from across the dioceses, Sodor and Man included.

All resources available on the Church of England LLF pages: Listening | The Church of England.