We rejoice that our ‘circuit-breaker lockdown’ has now concluded, and that we can resume public and social life, including opening our churches once again, with effect from Monday, 19 April.
We have kept Easter as best we could, but we may now wish to bring additional Easter-tide exuberance into these Sundays that follow the great festival. We have celebrated the eucharist for His Late Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and we are now able to offer prayers or a service in the parish to commemorate his life and to offer it to God. We have postponed the Mothers’ Union Annual Festival Service from its usual date of the Annunciation, and we can now keep the festival with greater gratitude and gladness on Thursday, 22 April at 2.30 pm in the Cathedral. Where there has been separation from one another, there is now opportunity for growth and renewal as we meet and gather again. The lesson of Easter is that, with God, all things are possible.
Deo Gratias.
+ Peter