As many provinces have suspended public worship, the Anglican Communion Office has put together a brief video-based Service of the Word for Passion Sunday, featuring prayers written especially for this Sunday – the Fifth Sunday in Lent – which has been designated as a worldwide day of prayer for repentance and reconciliation in the Anglican Communion.
The service is led by the Revd Neil Vigers from the Anglican Communion Office’s Department for Unity Faith and Order. Readings were recorded for us by Archbishop Philip Freier (Melbourne, Australia); Archbishop Thabo Makgoba (Cape Town, Southern Africa); Archbishop Ian Ernest (Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome); and Dean Hosam Naoum (St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem). The homily is given by Bishop Moon Hing (West Malaysia, South East Asia).
The songs were recorded before the Covid-19 pandemic at St Mary’s Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC, USA; the Anglican Church of Canada General Synod; and the 16th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council in Lusaka, Zambia.
You can watch the video and share it on social media channels using this link: