The Church of England’s Renewal & Reform programme aims to help us become a growing Church for all people and for all places.
It is being implemented at grassroots level in many dioceses, with a range of support, consultation and resources which have been developed for this initiative.
Resources include study courses, a series of practical resources for local churches, expertise on digital evangelism, and consultations at various levels, with Strategic Development Funding (SDF) support from the Church Commissioners.
In June 2018 a Symposium was hosted at Church House in London*:
Renewal and Reform: What have we learnt and where are we going?
Five key workshops ran during the day and clear, informative summaries of those workshops are available for viewing.
There is also a summary of suggestions made on ways that church legislation should be simplified.
Click below to view the documents
*Canon Joe Heaton, Miss Gill Poole (GF4G Steering Board), and Miss Ruth Walker (SUMT) attended on behalf of Sodor and Man.