Cathedral Isle of Man awarded Silver Eco Church Award

Cathedral Isle of Man awarded Silver Eco Church Award

Cathedral goes Green

Cathedral, Isle of Man, has just been awarded a silver Eco Church Award. 

Photo: Henry Uniacke

In order to qualify, they had to demonstrate their care for the world in 5 areas:

  • Through worship and teaching
  • How buildings and land are cared for
  • Engaging with the local community
  • Supporting global campaigns
  • Challenging the personal lifestyles of members of the congregation

These were achieved in a number of ways such as, using low energy light bulbs, careful use of paper, composting and recycling and using apples from the trees at the ‘Big Table Café’, where all are welcome for Monday lunch, regardless of their economic circumstances.

Earlier in the year the Cathedral hosted an exhibition supporting Harry Owens’ visit to Burundi to provide training and support to bee keepers and members of the congregation regularly support Disaster Emergency Appeals through collections outside Shoprite.

Rosemary Clarke, the Cathedral’s Eco rep, says: “Young people across the world are demanding change, and the Cathedral challenges us to alter our behaviour.  I know I need to do more.  It’s great to have been given the award, but it needs much more effort to go for gold!”

In the Island, Trinity Methodist Church, Douglas and the Abbey Church, Ballasalla have already achieved their bronze awards and are working towards silver, they together with the Cathedral join 500 churches and cathedrals across the UK working towards these Eco Awards.

The scheme is operated by A Rocha, in partnership with Christian Aid, the Church of England, the Methodist Church, Tear Fund and the United Reformed Church; it is supported by many other groups.  Their vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving our neighbours and following God faithfully. Going forward, September is ‘Creationtide’ within the Church of England, the Cathedral Isle of Man grounds are being transformed into a series of gardens telling the story of Christianity’s engagement with Manx culture since its arrival in the 5th century.  Visible are everything from a keeill to an apple cloister, from a wavy lawn to the illustration of well-known fables, from a snail mound to a Franciscan sensory garden, each ‘room’ reflects part of our history.  A stumpery and bug hotel provide protection for wildlife.

All are welcome to come and take a look.

For those interested in learning more contact or call 844830