The last few weeks have been a time of change in every way: changes to our stage of responding to Covid, wider opportunities for travel, and a number of well-known figures stepping down from public life or retiring. With a new House of Keys to be elected, parliamentary change continues. Within the life of the Diocese, we have said farewell to Archdeacon Andie and Jane as they move to Derbyshire upon retirement, and the process of seeking a new Archdeacon of Man is now actively underway. As you may also have seen on this newly re-launched website, our new Interim Minister is in place in the north-east of the Island, and we continue to be a leading diocese in taking forward our environmental commitment with dynamic urgency and momentum. We will soon have a newly-elected Diocesan Synod to help direct and implement our continuing life of witness and discipleship.
In the midst of this, worship continues, the sacraments are celebrated, and praises are sung. The continuing context of Covid requires us to be responsible in how we gather and worship, but not fearful; careful, but not concerned; aware of others and aware of ourselves. We live in the midst of change, but that is what Christians have always done. Sometimes Christians have been called upon to be initiators of change, and sometimes they have needed to be steadfast and constant. Both of these require wisdom, and so for ourselves at this moment we might ask, in the words of the famous prayer, that God will grant us the serenity to accept the things that we cannot change, the courage to change the things that we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Deo Gratias.
+ Peter