Today, the Chief Minister announced a new period of ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdown, to take effect from midnight tonight (Tuesday 2 March 2021) for a period of 21 days (subject to curtailment or to extension, as circumstances may determine). The headline is that everyone is requested to ‘Stay at Home’ as far as possible.
The Bishop’s guidance is that we again suspend public worship, in order to support the principles of protecting life and health and infrastructure as identified by Government.
Permission is therefore given under Canon B14A for the suspension of public worship on Sundays 7, 14 and 21 March.
Additional advice regarding Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals during this period is as follows:
No Baptisms may take place during this period.If you have a Baptism already arranged do please speak to your local minister.
No Weddings may take place during this period.If you have a wedding already arranged do please speak to your local minister.
Funerals can take place in Church and/or at the Graveside, and at the Crematorium, in all cases with a maximum attendance of 10 people (excluding officiant and Funeral Directors); no organist, no singing, and face-coverings to be worn, with physical distancing observed.
Further updates will appear here on the Diocesan Website and on the Diocesan Facebook Page.
If further information is required or you have any questions during these next 21 days please contact us