Framework for Christian Development

For all God’s people – a resource for supporting, deepening, and developing faith.

‘What are you looking for? – (John 1:38 NRSV)

For those who are seeking to know more about being a Christian; for those who are seeking to deepen their faith; or for those seeking to learn practical aspects of church life…. this resource is for you… God’s people.

It is intended to be dynamic and interactive by providing information about the Bible and faith studies, some of which have been undertaken already on the Island. Where there are links to websites, these have been activated for ease of access. It also gives potential contacts on the Island – people who may have had some experience of the resources or are able to point you in the direction of somebody who may be able to facilitate the course.

Our Diocesan vision for faithfulness charges us…

  • To encourage and support all its people in their journey of faith, so that that it may be renewed, deepened, and developed.
  • To enable lay Christians to share their faith beyond the doors of the church building
  • To develop opportunities for people to study together

‘For all God’s people’ is an active response to this vision.

It will work only if we work together, one body in Christ.

Please do seek and share these resources so that we can learn with and from each other.

Please do feedback to the steering group:

We would be delighted to hear what you have found helpful, if and when you are running various courses, and any new resources that you would recommend. If there is any way in which you feel the resource can be improved, we would be keen to hear from you. Most of all, we would wish you to communicate and share with each other across the Island – be generous in your giving and sharing of experience, wisdom and understanding. If there is a course running in one part of the Island, do let us know so that we can flag it up on the website. It may be that somebody else from another part is eager to learn with you.

…. and so, may you find what you are looking for…

Enquirers and Seekers – resources for those seeking to learn more about the Christian faith including ‘new’ Christians

Deepening Discipleship – resources for those wishing to deepening their understanding of the Christian faith
Pastoral Care – for those wishing to develop their pastoral skills in different areas, for example, baptism preparation, home visiting and bereavement
Children and families – resources to support growing Christians in families and in schools
Leadership – courses and resources for liturgical assistants, readers and ordained ministers.
Skill-based courses and resources for church groups – e.g. PCC members, team-building, and specific roles within the church e.g. vergers, sidespersons, wardens, and welcomers.