Clare Manser Head teacher of St Thomas CE school will be taking early retirement at the end of the Summer term having been in post for 10 years at the school.
Clare has been a teacher for 33 years originating from Cumbria. She attended Digby Stuart training college in London and gained a B.ED in Primary education before coming over to the Isle of Man in 1987 to work at St Mary’s RC Primary school.
She remained at St Mary’s until her first child was born in 1993. Whilst her children were very young she set up her own nursery ‘ Honeypots’ in Ramsey which she ran successfully until 1996.
In 1996 she went back into primary teaching and taught supply at Anagh Coar school in Douglas before securing a full-time post at Scoill Vallajeelt.
In 2007 Clare was appointed Deputy Head Teacher of St Thomas CE school and subsequently Head teacher in 2011.
Bishop Peter writes: ‘I offer warmest good wishes to Clare upon her retirement from the headship of St Thomas’ School. Clare’s 10 years as Head have seen many developments in educational practice which have been implemented into the life of the school, ensuring a high quality of teaching across all year groups. In addition, an ethos of Christian formation and pastoral care has continued to be the defining characteristic of St Thomas’ School, and the ongoing embedding and consolidation of this will be seen as Clare’s legacy in the long history of our school. Clare has also overseen the move from the original site by St Thomas’ Church to the Meadow Campus, and has settled the school happily into its new home.
It has been for me a great pleasure to work with Clare over these past few years. On behalf of the Diocese of Sodor and Man, I offer our thanks to Clare for all that she has done, and to Clare and her family we send very best wishes for this next chapter of life.’