Thy Kingdom Come
Top resources from Thy Kingdom Come to support you and your church pray from Ascension to Pentecost.
Prayer Journal
Walk through the days from Ascension to Pentecost with daily prayers and reflections.
Each day there is a passage from the Bible, a short reflection, a prayer, and a suggestion for action. There is also space each day for your own notes. Did a phrase jump out at you? Did God bring something to your mind as you prayed that day? When you tried to take action, how did it go? Make a note so that you can remember what God has been saying to you through your reading, your prayers, and your actions.
Prayer Journal (Printable Booklet Format)
Daily prayers for the days between Ascension and Pentecost.
Wherever you are during these nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, we invite you to accompany us on a sacred journey. As Jesus invited his disciples to wait and pray for the Holy Spirit, so we’re invited to wait on God for the empowerment we need to live more fully and to invite others to share the journey with us.
The Kingdom Kit
A popular kit, packed with creativity and including everything you need for fun prayer activities during the eleven days. Use the kit or find the pieces at home…
This family resource is intended to help and guide you in prayer through Thy Kingdom Come. The kit gives you and your family different ways to pray for 5 friends and family members. We hope it also gives your family new ways to pray and grow closer to God together.
How it works!
For every day from Ascension (Day 1) through to Pentecost (Day 11), we have provided a Daily Prayer Prompt and an accompanying Activity on the given theme. As well as lifting your friends and family up to God it is also a fun and engaging way to pray!
Download the Kingdom Kit and full Home pack resources or buy your own copies here: WEBLINK
Bright Ideas Resources
Creative resources and prayer ideas for use at your church or at home.
Prayer Resources for families at home
Prayer resources for Churches and Cathedrals
Daily Videos
There are a series of eleven daily videos for all ages, adults, young adults and children to inspire equip and appeal across a wide range.
Each video is based on the daily themes of Thy Kingdom Come including stories about C S Lewis and Corrie Ten Boom, videos from Guvna B, Jamie Jones-Buchanan and Pippa Baker. The childrens videos include appearances from Bear Grylls, Archbishop Justin and Gemma Hunt.
All the videos can be found here WEBLINK
Here’s a taster video from Archbishop Angaelos as he reflects on the importance of silence.
APP – Day 10 – Silence from Thy Kingdom Come on Vimeo.