War in Ukraine: responding
The brutal war in Ukraine has triggered the largest war-related migration of people since the Balkan War of the 1990s. This page contains information for parishes and individuals seeking to respond.
- The UN estimates that 12 million people inside Ukraine will need relief and protection, while more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees may need protection and assistance in neighbouring countries in coming months.
- Most of those fleeing are women and children, the elderly and the sick. Most are leaving with the few possessions they can carry.
- Those left behind face an uncertain future. People are living with no food, no water, no heat, no electricity. They need urgent respite from violence and humanitarian assistance.
- Despite the heart wrenching stories and distressing pictures coming out of Ukraine, there are practical ways in which we can all help to show solidarity and support with those most affected.
Parish toolkit
- Download the toolkit
- View safeguarding guidance – Homes for Ukraine (safeguarding e-manual page)
Isle of Man Specific Information
The Isle of Man Homes for Ukraine Scheme is now open for members of the community to register their interest in becoming hosts for those fleeing the conflict.
Registration for the scheme can be found on this Weblink
The first thing we can do is pray. On the morning of the invasion of Ukraine the Archbishop of Canterbury and York issued a call for people to pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia and for peace.
Please find below two prayers which can be used to pray for the situation.
We also have a page of resources including prayers and readings chosen for prayer services for Ukraine.
Prayer for the Peace of the World
Almighty God,
from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed:
kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all, the true love of peace
and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom
those who take counsel for the nations of the earth
that in tranquillity your kingdom may go forward,
till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Download the prayer for the Peace of the World graphic
A Prayer for Ukraine
God of peace and justice,
we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
for wisdom, discernment and compassion
to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Archbishop Justin Welby
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
Download the prayer for Ukraine graphic
There are two safe and secure ways where your gift can support those most in need:
The first is through the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal which is supported by a number of charities including Christian Aid, the ecumenical relief and development agency of the British and Irish churches. Your gift will help provide food, bedding and temporary accommodation for people who have fled the war in Ukraine.
The second is through the USPG-Diocese in Europe Emergency Appeal which is looking to support the front line work of chaplaincies across Europe as well as Christian charities carrying out humanitarian work both in Ukraine and responding to the arrival of refugees in neighbouring countries.
Please avoid organising charitable collection of toys, clothes and bedding as this is often inappropriate and not what is most needed.
There are thought to be more than three million refugees who have now fled Ukraine. Many of these will seek to join family or friends in other European nations. The UK Government has announced that there will be two routes for Ukrainians fleeing the war to reach the UK.
The first is a family visa system which is open to the extended family members of Ukrainians with permanent status in the UK (e.g. Indefinite Leave to Remain), and Ukrainian family members of British nationals and EU citizens with settled or pre-settled status. If you are in touch with Ukrainians in your community you can direct them to how to apply and the eligibility rules here.
Details of how individuals, companies and community groups can sponsor Ukrainians without family ties are now coming out. You can read fuller details of this in the toolkit above.
A UK Government FAQ and registration of interest form are now live. You can also register your interest as a potential sponsor at Sanctuary Foundation.
We will update this site regularly as more details emerge. The scheme is expected to launch for individuals on Friday 18/03/2022
The Diocese of Sodor and Man is supportive of our Government’s declared intention to receive refugees from Ukraine.
Parishes or individuals considering offering space to refugees are advised to read the Toolkit and Safeguarding Guidance (link) from the Church of England, alongside resources from our own Government. For clergy living in church-owned housing who are thinking of offering space in their home to a refugee or family, if your offer to provide accommodation is accepted, you are advised to contact our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (safeguarding@sodorandman.im ) and the Diocesan Board of Finance, in addition to your own insurance company regarding the change in household circumstances.
There are many ways in which we can give support, comfort and encouragement to refugees who may come to our Island, practically and prayerfully, and our task must be to receive them with sufficient warmth and care to enable them to recover from the traumatic experience of these past weeks. This is a process that will require several months at least, in which we may wish to work together as parishes and indeed with other denominations and communities of faith. Let us pray for all who may come to us and, in whatever way, welcome them gently into our midst.