As many of you are aware +Peter retires at the end of October.
Meanwhile the Church of England process to find his successor has commenced and the Vacancy in See Committee which has responsibility for the work of finding our next Bishop has already met twice. As part of the wider process it is important to seek the wider thoughts from the diocese and members of the church and members of the community.
To enable this the Vacancy in See Committee seek responses to three questions:
- What fills you with joy and hope about the ministry and mission of the Church in the Diocese of Sodor and Man?
- What are the challenges and frustrations, and what would you like to change?
- What qualities do you think a bishop should have as we look to the future of our diocese ?
The form on the link below provides a simple way to gather the responses together and the committee look forward to hearing from as many people as possible.
Responses can be sent by email to or by post to:
The Ven Irene Cowell
16 Devonshire Road,
Isle of Man, IM2 3RB
Your support is very greatly appreciated by the Vacancy in See Committee.