Bishopthorpe Palace publishes its Independent Safeguarding Audit from SCIE
The independent audit by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) of Bishopthorpe Palace’s safeguarding arrangements has been published today. The audit process involved reviewing a range of documentation as well as talking to staff members and focus groups to gain a greater understanding of the policies and culture of safeguarding which exists at Bishopthorpe Palace.
The SCIE audit was part of a national programme covering Church of England dioceses, cathedrals and palaces. The audit seeks to support safeguarding improvements across governance and leadership, policies and practice guidance, case-work, recruitment and training, ensuring that all offices have the best possible practice in place.
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell said: “We welcome the report following the SCIE audit at Bishopthorpe Palace. They have identified many areas where staff and systems are working well but also areas where we can improve, all with a focus to ensure that survivors are listened to and supported. Publishing the report has taken longer than we had hoped as it was necessary for us to ensure staff who have moved on since the audit were afforded the opportunity to discuss the report with the auditors. In the meantime as a team we have considered the report and today publish our action plan showing where we have already made developments and where further work is being considered. We welcome every opportunity to learn and improve our approach to safeguarding.”
Commenting on their report, the CEO of SCIE, Kathryn Smith said, “Since the audit, the Archbishop of York and his team has had time to progress and reflect on the safeguarding arrangements and practice of Bishopthorpe Palace. New arrangements for joint working between the two palaces have also been developed. This means that areas that will be raised in the Lambeth Palace audit report, once it is published, are likely to be relevant to Bishopthorpe”.
The Bishopthorpe report and action plan can be read in full here