Diocesan Study Day
A Study Day has been held in the Cathedral, Peel highlighting a number of matters facing the Diocese and the challenges that arise from these.
The day began with Bishop Peter ‘Unfolding the Scriptures’ looking at how the scriptures work, historical background and how this influences how they are read, studied and listened to and how that shapes and creates our understanding in daily life.
The study continued with a detailed look at the ‘Ministry and Work of Churchwardens’. Bishop Peter talked of the call to serve and the call to serve the body of the church and bear witness to Christ and the sacrifice that is so often required and that it can be costly too. It was further explored that joy and blessing come from that service. Canon E1 says:
4. The churchwardens when admitted are officers of the bishop. They shall discharge such duties as are by law and custom assigned to them; they shall be foremost in representing the laity and in co-operating with the incumbent; they shall use their best endeavours by example and precept to encourage the parishioners in the practice of true religion and to promote unity and peace among them. They shall also maintain order and decency in the church and churchyard, especially during the time of divine service.
Further consideration was offered as to the practical working out of the role of Churchwarden with reflection on scripture from Matthew 25 and the role of greeting and welcoming people with grace and care particularly in the world today. The reference to gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 supported this application.
Bishop Peter recommended as a support to the role of Churchwarden a recent book by Matthew Clements entitled ‘Rotas, Rules and Rectors’
The following session ‘Human Resources: Information and Policy Development’ led by Andrew Swithinbank, Diocesan Secretary and Cat Macdonald, HR Consultant looked at the need for the additional support required by the diocese in its continued development and progress and policies and procedures. The link to the Diocesan HR page can be found here
Following a break for lunch and refreshments the afternoon continued with Bishop Peter exploring ‘Inhabiting the Eucharist: Why do we worship as we do, and what it says about us and God.’ This followed the form of an extended service of Holy Communion looking in detail at the elements of the liturgy. For further reding Bishop Peter recommended two books looking fuirther at the centrality of the Eucharist in our Christian faith. The first of these was, Michael Perham's, 'New Handbook of Pastoral Liturgy' and the second was the book written by Timothy Radcliffe, 'Why go to church? The drama of the Eucharist?